Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We try to provide answers to frequently asked questions about BENCHLAB. If you have any question that isn't answered by the FAQ feel free to reach out to us directly via the Contact page.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I plug the power supply cables in any of the power connectors?

A: The input and output power connectors of the BENCHLAB can technically be used either way. However, only by installing the input power cables (from the PSU) in the power connectors marked by "From PSU" will you be able to use the power measurement functionality.

Q: Should I plug the BENCHLAB power cables from the BENCHLAB to the system in a certain way?

A: The power cables provided by BENCHLAB can be plugged either way, however we recommend plugging them in the intended way. Especially the 4+4-pin EPS and 6+2-pin PCIE cables, since there's latches on one side of the cable.

Q: What is the difference between differential and single ended voltage measurement?

A: Differential voltage measurement works like a multimeter, where you measure the voltage between two inputs.

Q: Can I connect other devices to the USB Type-C connector?

A: The USB Type-C connector can only be used to connect the BENCHLAB to a system with the software installed. This can either be the same system connected to the BENCHLAB or a different system.


Known Compatibility Issues

1. EVGA Z790 DARK K|NGP|N motherboard: due to the 8-pin EPS connector placement next to the 24-pin ATX connector, the EPS cables included with the BENCHLAB is are too short. The BENCHLAB EPS cables follow the standard layout, so you can resolve the issue by purchasing 3rd party EPS extension cables.


Not finding the answer to your question? Contact us.